Mina S.

Does your web host really offer backups?

Following the unfortunate events of a well-known host, interest in safeguards and security has become an undeniable point for any host.

We will present in detail the management of backups at PlanetHoster.

The Internet has its good sides and its bad sides.

Information flows freely. Gone are the days where only nobles had the right to education. Thanks to the Internet, regardless of the financial status of the person, the doors to information are wide open to him. Also, the internet allows you to get in touch with the world. The famous saying “the sky is the limit” becomes valid: you can sell anywhere in the world, network with your colleagues despite being more than 3000km away and more!

Risks related to the Internet are nevertheless present. Nearly 30,000 websites are hacked daily worldwide (Forbes source). So security is a point not to be overlooked. It starts with you and ends at the host. Make sure you have an antivirus on your computer, use unique passwords for each of your access, update your scripts (WordPress, PrestaShop, Joomla etc) and have recent backups of your site web elsewhere than with your host.

You put several weeks or months designing your website. It’s even your livelihood. Would you like to lose everything overnight? Certainly not. The phrase “do not put all your eggs in one basket,” comes to mind and we at PlanetHoster have understood this since 2009.

Indeed, since 2009, all your data is backed up daily on an external infrastructure. Whether you have a Shared Hosting, a Reseller Plan, a VPS or an E-commerce hosting, PlanetHoster performs a full daily backup of your data (including databases, emails …!) on an external infrastructure. You can go back up to 20 days! You even have access to these external backups from your cPanel! In addition to being protected by three layers (levels) of security on our key hosting infrastructure, PlanetHoster ensures an ultra-protected external infrastructure for backups. If unfortunately, a hacker gains access to our key infrastructure, he can never access the external backups! It is the infrastructure of backups that launches the backup application and not the reverse! PlanetHoster is one of the few Francophone web hosts to offer external R1Soft backups and no extra cost!

Does your provider offer the same service?