Mina S.

HybridCloud Launch

Dedicated servers are now things of the past. Can you imagine having all your data on one machine? Although some think that RAID = BACKUP, know that it is completely FALSE. If the RAID card fails or if there is corruption in the file system, your data is at risk.


How to fix it? Either build a high availability infrastructure or either opt for a HybridCloud by PlanetHoster.


The first solution may be expensive. You will need several servers, time and experience. Also, you will need a 24/7 continuous monitoring to detect failures and need to be proactive regarding security to prevent infiltration.



The second solution is HybridCloud by PlanetHoster. Your data will be hosted on a decentralized premium environment, scalable, and entirely safe. Everything is 100% managed by qualified technicians PlanetHoster. Unlike a traditional cloud, you can upgrade to owning your own Compute (physical dedicated “Hypervisor” server) and in case of failure, your data will failover to another physical server in less than 59 seconds. In partnership with Dell, your data will be located on a SAN Compellent SC9000 (please do research on the web. It is one of the best SAN on the market). We do not cut corners when mentioning of your data. Also, all communication is done by fiber optic, it is faster than a conventional SSD!


In other words, you get the benefits of a dedicated server without its disadvantages. For now, we have pre-made plans ranging from 120 euros to 350 euros. Options (CPU, RAM, disk) will be available à la carte shortly.


You can either choose between France and Canada.

To celebrate the launch, here’s a 50% discount on the first month:
Using promo code HYBRIDCLOUD31MAI

If you are not satisfied for any reason, you have no obligation to renew.

To Order: https://my.planethoster.net/hybridcloud/new

For info: https://www.planethoster.com/en/HybridCloud-Servers