Incident – France Infrastructure

Our technical team solved this incident.
Stated at: 20/11/2019 (18:45:00) EST (21/11/2019 (00:45:00) CET)
Solved at: 20/11/2019 (21:07:03) EST (21/11/2019 (03:07:03) CET)



Hello dear customer,

We are currently investigating an incident affecting the service for our infrastructure in France.

At the moment, the impact is 15% of our customers in France.

UPDATE – Electrical incident, service restored, report in progress

Source : Equinix France
UPS String 3 – Load Transferred to Static Bypass

Equinix IBX Site Staff reports that the load transfer to the static bypass occurring on UPS customer string 3 during 20-NOV-2019 may have caused a power disruption in a power supply. IBX Engineers have isolated UPS 3.3 pending further investigation. UPS system 3 redundancy remains in N+1 configuration.
The next update will be sent when there is a significant change to the situation.

This report will be updated as soon as we have more information.

Thank you for your confidence.