Passive Income Online: How to Generate It Effectively?

Passive online income

Do you aspire to earn a high income? Do you dream of greater financial freedom? Of course, you do not get something for nothing, but the art of generating regular profits without having to work constantly takes on many faces these days.

In particular, with the ever-increasing popularity of the Internet, opportunities to earn a passive income online have multiplied. From digital marketing to digital investing and real estate crowdfunding, there are many ways to do this. Here, we present just a few of them; by analyzing their specific features, we hope you will be able to choose the methods that suit you best:

In general, you will also benefit from following our additional tips for managing your passive income streams.

Sell Photos to Online Image Banks

Many content creators and businesses purchase images for their websites, blogs, social networks and other communication channels from specialized platforms such as Adobe Stock, Getty Images and Shutterstock. By uploading your photos to sell them on these platforms, you earn a commission every time a web user downloads them.

This way of generating passive income is particularly attractive, as it requires no initial financial investment. However, for it to be lucrative, you need to focus on images of landscapes, people, objects or everyday situations, which are often sought-after by web users.

Create Online Courses

Online courses

Creating online courses is another way of generating passive income to round off the month. Your courses can be sold repeatedly on numerous platforms, without any intervention on your part.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • choose course themes based on your passions and areas of expertise;
  • produce engaging content in formats adapted to your target audience (videos, PDFs, etc.);
  • host courses on sites such as Teachable, Udemy or Skillshare;
  • finally, use social networks, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and partnerships with influencers to promote your courses and attract as many customers as possible.

Self-Publishing Books And E-Books

Self-publishing books and digital books (e-books) is another effective and economical way of generating passive income online. These days, you can publish your own books on specialized platforms, without going through a traditional publishing house and incurring the associated costs.

In this respect, here are the elements we encourage you to consider:

  • As with the creation of online courses, choose a subject that you know and are really interested in;
  • then write your book in the form of a practical guide or novel;
  • offer quality content to attract and retain your readers;
  • publish your work on websites such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Kobo Writing Life or Apple Books for Author;
  • to increase your sales (and therefore your income), promote your book on social networks and with a good SEO strategy.

Opt for Blogging

In this context, blogging involves using programs such as Google AdSense to place links to product ads on your platform, so that you earn passive income every time a visitor clicks on those same links.

Even though it requires an initial investment and time, blogging can generate substantial income if you apply effective methods:

  • maximize your chances of success by choosing a website theme based on your knowledge and passions;
  • create quality content to capture the attention of visitors to your platform;
  • improve your blog’s visibility on search engines by implementing a good SEO strategy;
  • promote your blog on social networks and integrate relevant advertising to increase your audience.

Leverage Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves sharing links on your blog, YouTube channel or social networks to products sold by a company with which you have an affiliate agreement, so that you earn a commission every time a web user clicks on the leads or makes a purchase.

The size of your passive income at the end of the month is obviously proportional to the size of your audience.

If you want to maximize your chances of success in this way of generating passive income:

  • select products or services that match your niche and target audience;
  • in this respect, you can find interesting ideas on platforms such as Amazon Associates or CJ Affiliates;
  • after that, you need to obtain a unique affiliate link for each chosen product and place these links on your platform.

Did you know that PlanetHoster also offers an affiliate program? Our conditions are very advantageous, as you can see by visiting our website at

Make Money with Cryptocurrencies


With their growing popularity, cryptocurrencies offer numerous methods for generating passive income online.

For example, you can opt for staking. This method involves participating in the validation of transactions on certain blockchains in exchange for rewards. The cryptocurrencies you stake earn interest, usually at very high rates, impossible to obtain from a traditional bank.

Lending cryptocurrencies can also generate income. In this case, you lend your virtual currencies on specialized platforms to earn interest. The mechanism is decentralized, transparent and open to all. No banks or other traditional institutions are involved.

Finally, many online platforms reward their users with cryptocurrencies. You can register on these websites and make regular posts to generate passive income.

Earn Passive Income with Drop Shipping

Drop shipping is one of the most widely used strategies in online commerce. This business practice consists of an online goods distributor delegating all logistics to suppliers — including design, storage and delivery — and retaining only the commercial and administrative functions. As you may have gathered, the supplier receives a percentage of each purchase.

The advantage of this approach is that it does not require a large initial investment and can generate substantial passive income, provided you choose a growing sector and make a high number of sales.

To succeed in drop shipping:

It is important to attract your customers with the right marketing strategies:

  • search engine optimization (SEO); and
  • paid advertising on social networks.

PlanetHoster customers can easily install CMS for e-commerce, including PrestaShop and Drupal. In this regard, we refer you to our knowledge base article entitled How to Install a CMS.

Benefit from Passive Income with Real Estate Crowdfunding

Real estate crowdfunding allows you to finance a property construction or renovation project via online platforms. By lending funds to the developer, you earn interest over a given period, which offers the advantage of a steady stream of passive income. This solution is ideal for investors seeking medium-term to long-term financial stability.

To get started in real estate crowdfunding:

  • choose the right website to secure your investment;
  • in France, choose platforms regulated by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers);
  • make sure you have clear information about each investment opportunity, including the promoters and any risks involved;
  • prefer rental projects, as you will receive a regular share of the building’s rental income without owning it directly.

Buy and Resale Domain Names

Purchase and resale domain names

Buying and resaling domain names is an online business model that does not require a large initial investment, as all you have to do is buy domain names and then resell them to companies or individuals who might be interested.

Before making any investment, be aware that there is no guarantee that you will find a company willing to buy your domain names, especially as this business relies heavily on digital marketing and anticipating trends. Nevertheless, it can help you generate substantial passive income if you apply the right strategies:

  • buy domain names on specialized platforms such as GoDaddy, Namecheap and Google Domains;
  • estimate the transfer price according to criteria such as length, extension and relevance to a theme or niche.

Offer Services on Freelance Platforms

If you have special skills, you can earn passive income by monetizing them on freelance platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Comeup and Freelancer.

Since competition is fierce on these types of sites, you will increase your chances of getting commissions if you apply these few tips:

  • as with many of the other methods we have discussed, choose a field that is profitable and that you are passionate about: digital marketing, blogging, web development and graphic design, for example;
  • optimize your profile with relevant keywords and an attractive portfolio;
  • do not position yourself as a generalist. Instead, identify yourself as the best service provider for a specific type of customer.

Interestingly, it is always possible to offer recurring services or subscriptions to ensure a stable, long-term revenue stream.

Invest in Stock Dividends

Another great idea for earning regular passive income over the long term is to buy shares in a company that pays dividends. This allows you to collect profits, usually in the form of cash payments.

To maximize your earnings :

  • focus on solid, stable companies;
  • diversify your portfolio to reduce the risks associated with market fluctuations;
  • establish a sound investment strategy before you invest.

Some also generate passive income online by buying and reselling index funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). These investment instruments are more accessible and less costly than company shares. Invest for the long term to increase your earnings.

Our Additional Tips for Managing Your Passive Income Streams

By definition, a passive income-generating activity should not take up a lot of your time. This means you need to set up systems to automate tasks and increase your earnings over a long time horizon.

Here are a few tips to help you do just that.

Set Clear, Realistic Goals

First and foremost, determine the goals you wish to achieve in the short, medium or long term. For example, you may want to finance a real estate project or earn enough money to take a trip. Evaluate your current savings and take your expenses into consideration.

Then make a list of the skills you can exploit to earn passive income:

  • blogging;
  • selling products online;
  • cryptocurrency investing; or
  • affiliate marketing.

Finally, determine how much time you can devote to setting up and running a business to make money on the Internet.

Use Automation Tools

Whatever activity you decide to pursue to generate passive income, there are applications that can help you automate your tasks, allowing you to concentrate on your core business. If you are in the affiliate marketing business, for example, platforms such as can be used to set up sales, send out e-mail messages, and so on.

Budget management tools to plan monthly or quarterly checkpoints of your online passive income are worth using. You will then have a clear idea of how much money you are making and what you need to optimize to improve your performance.

Manage Risk and Diversify Your Income

By relying on a single source of passive income, you expose yourself to significant risks. For example, a blog based solely on Amazon affiliate marketing is no longer profitable if the platform reduces its commissions. You need to explore different ideas and invest in different types of business.

One approach could be to generate income with online product sales and earn money at the same time with cryptocurrency lending. Alternatively, do not hesitate to look into sectors such as real estate and the stock market to boost your returns.

Whatever field you are thinking of getting into, do some market research and understand the potential risks. This will give you a clear idea of the passive income available to you.


The ideas outlined in this guide to generating passive income online each present their own advantages and challenges.

Do not forget this winning recipe:

  • always make your choices based on your skills and the goals you want to achieve;
  • devote the necessary time and effort;
  • gradually optimize your results; and
  • persevere: do not give up at the first unsuccessful trial.


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Louis Roy
Rédacteur technique chez PlanetHoster
Après avoir travaillé pendant 25 années dans l’industrie à titre d’ingénieur en mécanique, Louis a décidé de se consacrer à sa plus grande passion : l’écriture. Cela l’a emmené à joindre les rangs de PlanetHoster à titre de rédacteur technique. Il dirige aussi bénévolement un organisme de bienfaisance qu'il a fondé en 2019 (École de Kung-fu d’Argenteuil).