We can not say that PlanetHoster is not accessible on the net!
We have:
Official Facebook Page PlanetHoster
Official Twitter Account PlanetHoster
Forums PlanetHoster
Official News
So why create a blog? Good question!
While Facebook and Twitter enable communication, space is very limited and therefore the ideas emerge unfortunately incomplete.
The forum provides the opportunity for customers PH and those interested in our services to communicate together. However, it is not convenient to write articles there!
Official news, it is effective. It was the thought, for a while. After some tests, we preferred to use it only to make announcements concerning state of our infrastructure since an email is sent automatically to all customers with the release of a new article!
We needed a dedicated place to inform our customers and anyone interested in PH of our latest developments. So our choice was to do a blog. Nothing better than a good wordpress blog, am I right?
Through this blog, you will be informed of the happenings at PlanetHoster