In our second blog of 2023, we report on the concrete support PlanetHoster provides to several non-profit organizations (NPOs), as well as our participation in various events.
We also showcase the latest advances in the development of our suite of Web tools, from domain management to hosting. All these services and tools are always available at very attractive rates, sometimes even free of charge, and you can take advantage of our special offers!
Support for NPOs
In the current economic climate, NPOs need financial support more than ever. PlanetHoster is well aware of this, and is taking a number of concrete steps in this direction. Here are just a few of them.
Donations to the Canadian, French and Swiss Red Cross

Occasionally, PlanetHoster employees are unable to participate in group outings or other events organized by our company. When this happens, these employees are offered the option of accepting that the amount of money earmarked for their participation be donated to the Red Cross.
Silver Member and Partner of the OpenInfra Community

As a silver member and partner of the Open Infrastructure Foundation, PlanetHoster provides funding and is committed to strategic alignment with the OpenInfra Foundation’s mission: to provide a neutral, open environment for organizations, developers and users to build open-source infrastructure software together.
Canadian NPOs
Donations to the Argenteuil kung fu school
The École de Shaolin Wing-Chun kung-fu d’Argenteuil is a charitable organization whose mission is to prevent juvenile delinquency and contribute to the health of families on all levels.

By hosting its website with PlanetHoster, this organization benefits from the price reductions available to charities.
But that is not all! PlanetHoster offered scholarships to three young Argenteuil practitioners of this martial art. The scholarships, totalling $1,750.00, were presented on June 17 at a fund-raising dinner held at the Royal Canadian Legion in Brownsburg-Chatham, where kung fu classes are regularly held. The gesture was greatly appreciated.

Donations and Support for the Centre de formation professionnelle (CFP) des riverains

The Centre de formation professionnelle des Riverains (a professional training center) offers a variety of study programs, including computer support. PlanetHoster recently welcomed a trainee from this program, who enjoyed an experience rich in challenges and skills acquisition. This on-the-job training opportunity has naturally opened up promising employment prospects for him on the job market.
PlanetHoster also makes donations to support this professional training center.
Major Sponsor of Laval Innov’s Forum IN 2023 Event

The Forum IN! event brings together entrepreneurs, business leaders and those involved in supporting entrepreneurship and innovation in the Laval region (north of Montreal) who have a common value: innovation. For one day, participants can share experiences and exchange ideas.
PlanetHoster was present at the 2023 edition of this event on March 24.
Swiss NPOs
Platinum Partner of the Meilleur de la pub Association
Le Meilleur de la pub (The best of publicity) is an event that brings together, for one evening, all the players in the communications industry in French-speaking Switzerland. The 2023 edition took place on May 16 at the Olympic Museum in Lausanne.
As a Platinum Partner, PlanetHoster created this year’s “Best of Corporate Social Responsibility” award. To qualify for the 2,000 franc prize, the advertising campaign had to have a real impact on changing consumer behavior in terms of the environment, society and sustainability.
The following video provides several insights into The Best of Pub 2023 and also discusses PlanetHoster’s new award:
French NPOs
Diamond Sponsor of the Joomla France Community and JoomlaDay 2023

As an annual event, JoomalDay is an opportunity for users in the French Joomla! community to meet, exchange ideas and discover the latest trends in web development and design.
This year’s JoomalDay took place on June 16 and 17, 2023 in Metz, France. On this occasion, Marc Dechèvre and Mina Shenouda gave a talk during which a user-friendly interface for launching backups on N0C Storage was presented. The lecture can be viewed in full in this video:
Silver sponsor of the SEO CAMPus Association in Paris
As Silver Sponsor of SEO CAMP’us Paris 2023 , which took place from June 29 to 30, 2023, PlanetHoster was present at the Palais des Congrès de Versailles.
The year 2023 will go down in history as the year of the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence: in fact, several talks at SEO CAMP’us dealt with related subjects. In the same vein, Mina Shenouda gave a presentation entitled L’IA et l’évolution de l’infrastructure “web” / “cloud” pour le SEO : anticiper les besoins de demain (AI and the evolution of “web” / “cloud” infrastructure for SEO: anticipating tomorrow’s needs). In this talk, he discussed the potential of AI to optimize websites, and the strategic pillars for realizing this vision. Louis Roy concluded the presentation with some thoughts on the importance of human intervention in technical writing, as AI’s possibilities are limited in some respects.
Mina Shenouda also presented a workshop on N0C Storage:

Sponsor City of Lyon: Festival Entre Rhône et Saône (for the environment)

From June 30 to July 2, the city of Lyon organized the Festival entre Rhône et Saône.
From an environmental perspective, this popular event aims to celebrate, discover and protect both rivers.
As the City of Lyon shares PlanetHoster’s eco-design approach, it seemed only natural for us to sponsor this festival. In fact, Mina Shenouda took part for the first time this year.

Launch of N0C Storage
We have talked a lot about N0C Storage. Our readers who want to know a little more will surely appreciate the details that follow.

N0C Storage is a low-cost storage solution that lets you manage hosting files and massive file storage from the web interface. It was developed by PlanetHoster in response to high customer demand.
N0C Storage was offered for a time in production to just a few customers. As the Beta version was conclusive, it was deployed to all N0C users.
The new N0C Storage interface is accessed via the N0C File Manager — an ergonomic, easy-to-learn file browser. The File Manager also provides access to Local, the name given to the interface used for local storage of hosting files (which already existed).

PlanetHoster’s solution has advanced encryption algorithms to protect the data. These systems were already in action a long time ago. HybridCloud dedicated server customers have a free replication of their server on PHBackup, an internal storage infrastructure of PlanetHoster.
If you would like more information on N0C Storage, we encourage you to read the File Manager article from the N0C knowledge base.
Passwords in Roundcube
As announced in Features, the rollout of a new feature allowing Roundcube users to change their webmail passwords without having to go through the administrator is now complete.

New Telephone Systems
We had been wanting to invest in new telephone systems for a long time. Now we have done it!
From now on, we will be able to better serve our customers and make virtual acquaintances, to name just a few of the benefits of this initiative.
Review of Service Standards and Quality
Our customers — and rightly so — value quality. That is why PlanetHoster believes that investing in initiatives that enhance it is priceless.
To this end, we invest a great deal of effort in training our work teams, and provide them with the best working tools available.
Despite the good will of all parties involved, it may unfortunately happen that the handling of a request by our support team does not meet a customer’s requirements, in which case they can escalate their ticket to PlanetHoster managers at any time. Here is how to proceed:
- Click on My support -> My tickets.
- Open the ticket by double-clicking on it.
- Locate Please evaluate our services at the top right of the screen and click on the following icon:

- In doing so, you will open an interface where you can express in detail what has happened in the message field :

- Click on the Send message button.
Setting Up a New Client Area
To make our tools as intuitive as possible, we have completely redesigned the Client Area interface:

This initiative is part of the My update that our development team is currently working on.
Following a successful beta-test phase, it is now possible to automatically install a CMS on N0C when a World account is created:

Webinar xdebug
A webinar entitled PHP 8.2 and Xdebug (Debugging Our Way Through PHP) was organized.
The aim of this webinar was to present the new features of Xdebug 3.2 in a PlanetHoster environment and answer questions from PHP programmers. It was aimed at PHP programmers of all levels. It was an excellent opportunity for them to gain valuable knowledge and take part in enriching discussions.
Here is the link to this webinar hosted by Derick Rethans:
Automation of the Migration From cPanel to N0C is Underway
Since it has been initiated, the largely automated migration process has been progressing well. Those customers who have chosen to do so have been able to proceed without difficulty, especially as our highly experienced technicians have been able to assist them when asked.
We still plan to make the tool eventually self-service, so that customers can switch through the platform in an automated way.
The paragraph What is the difference with cPanel? in the blog What’s new in 2021 – Welcome to the N0C Hosting Platform provides a lot of useful information to know.
PlanetHoster : a Trusted Partner
PlanetHoster ranks among the best domain name and server providers, hosting companies and hosting solution designers, at very competitive prices compared to the competition.
In addition, if you wish to transfer to us and reduce the risk of errors in the process, we are here to help you during the transfer and configuration, step by step.
PlanetHoster offers a lot of promotions, which are described in the article Coupon Code – Discount – Promotion.
The PlanetHoster Team is Listening!
Before we begin, we would like to remind you that we are aware that it is crucial to satisfy our customers whose needs are constantly changing, and we encourage them to give their feedback and enter their ideas for new features via the link
In addition, as hosting service provider and designer, we know that customer satisfaction depends on the skills of our staff, so we are always on the lookout for talent to join our team. Please feel free to send us your resume! Our featured positions are posted on this page:
A Look Into the Future…
Our team is continuously working on many projects, some of which will be completed very soon.
Availability of N0C on the HybridCloud
N0C is currently only available on The World web hosting platform. We would like to offer it also for HybridCloud dedicated servers. This will be a major breakthrough for PlanetHoster in the world of web hosting.

It will then naturally be possible to migrate accounts from a The World offering to a HybridCloud hosting solution.
As a reminder, the HybridCloud plan is a dedicated hosting service for web professionals who need high performance and greater flexibility than shared hosting, while being supported by PlanetHoster’s support team, free of charge and at all times. This solution offers you several advantages over cloud server, such as complete isolation of your resources on a dedicated HybridCloud and the ability to increase the resources available at any time. And this, at very competitive rates, considering the returrn on investment of our hosting plan, be it in terms of performance, access to several CMS (like WordPress and PrestaShop), security or storage space!
We had planned to roll out the HybridCloud plan in the fall of 2022. However, since PlanetHoster’s quality and respect for our customers cannot be sacrificed for the sake of a timeline or business strategies, we prefer to wait until everything is in place before rolling it out. Users will appreciate it all the more!
Upgrade to VPN V2
PlanetHoster’s VPN will also be upgraded to version 2 very soon. To be continued…

Permanent Future CDN
Although our clients generally do not require a Content Delivery Network (CDN), each site is different.
So, if your sites get DDOS (brute force) attacks quite often, or if they have a lot of traffic but you want to stay on shared hosting, among other things, you need to go through cloudflare. To make life easier for you in cases like these, we are about to set up a permanent CDN.
All the more reason to choose a web host in Canada, France and Switzerland like PlanetHoster.
Website Redesign
We will proceed to a complete redesign of the PlanetHoster website ( Here is a sneak preview:

New Menu Structure
The menu for accessing the various functions of My V2 will shortly be structured differently. This decision stems from the fact that the current menu is unintuitive in several respects.

Users will soon notice that the ordering of the knowledge base documentation will not fully conform to the new structure; in addition, various items of information, such as screenshots, will not all be up to date. We will make the necessary corrections as quickly as possible. In the meantime, should you have any difficulty in locating an article, we encourage you to enter keywords in the following search field:

And It is Still Going On!
Ideas abound at PlanetHoster. The addition of Memcached to the choices available in N0C and the addition of other SQL engines to the development schedule is just a glimpse of our plans.